mercredi 10 février 2010

SHOW #103 : Mademoiselle OLGA

Rare soundtracks, library and odd covers by our guest this week, Mademoiselle Olga. 
More Mixes on her Soundcloud home :

  1. Ole Kurt Jensen - Exotica
  2. Dorothy Ashby - Come live with me
  3. Nino Nardini & Roger Roger - Bagheera
  4. Johnny Harris - Light my fire 
  5. Kerrie Biddell - In necessity 
  6. The Phoenix Authority - Come together 
  7. Anthony King - Filigree funk 
  8. Mazda - Superstition 
  9. Madeline Bell - That's what friends are fo
  10. Walter Murphy - Dancin' 
  11. The New Dance Orchestra - Pardon ??? 
  12. Daniel Vangarde - Yama yama (Yamasuki) 
  13. Bruno Nicolai - Allora il treno 
  14. Piero Piccioni - Playgirl 70 (party music 1)
  15. Piet Van Meren - Mr Buzz
  16. Paolo Zavallone - Papillon rouge
  17. Manfred Hubler & Siegfred Schwab - The ballad of a fair singer
  18. Claude Bolling - Full speed
  19. Michel Legrand - The Boston wrangler
  20. Caravelli - Obsessionnellement votre

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